Duck, Duck, Dinosaur: Snowy Surprise (Pre-reader)
by Kallie George illustrated by Oriol Vidal- Item #3193 in Holiday Gift Books
- Grades: PreK - 1
- Ages: 4 - 6
- Series: Duck, Duck, Dinosaur
- Format: Paperback Book
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Short Summary
Feather and Flap are too cold to play outside, but Spike has some special surprises to keep his brothers warm in this sweet story just right for beginning readers.
Feather and Flap are too cold to play outside, but Spike has some special surprises to keep his brothers warm in this sweet story just right for beginning readers.
Product Details Also Available in Value Pack:
- Reading Adventures Pack (Early Readers)
- Christmas Pack
- Winter Fun Reader Collection (Early Readers)
At first Spike gives Feather and Flap skates, a sled, and a snowman. When these aren’t enough to keep his siblings from shivering, Spike comes up with the best gift of all: warm scarves and hats! Playing in the snow with your family can be cool, but thoughtfulness toward others makes playtime a blast for everyone.
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Product Details
- Grades: PreK - 1
- Ages: 4 - 6
- Product Type: Book
- Page Count: 32 pages
- Dimensions: 6" x 9"
- Language: English
- Subject & Themes: Brothers & Sisters, Dinosaurs, Birds, Winter
- ISBN 13: 978-1-338-23793-1