Te quiero, yo te quiero / I Love You Through and Through

by Bernadette Rossetti-Shustak illustrated by Caroline Jayne Church


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Endearing pictures of a lovable toddler add humor and heart to this reassuring story, which comes in a comforting, padded board book that's just right for cuddle time!

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Las bellas ilustraciones de un adorable niñito ponen un toque de humor a este relato, publicado en un libro de cartón acolchado que es ideal para acurrucarse con él en cualquier momento.

​​​​​​​Este niñito se toca los dedos de los pies, se mira las piernas y salpica el baño de burbujas mientras el texto rimado describe lo mucho que lo quieren.
​​​​​​​Lo quieren cuando está enojado, cuando está triste y hasta cuando hace travesuras. Las bellas y claras ilustraciones muestran cómo se siente: muy entusiasta sujetando a un osito y corriendo por la página. Pero a pesar de sus protestas, abre la boca y bosteza cansado. Sin embargo, nada hará que dejen de quererlo.
Este es un libro para compartir, que hará que la rima les haga recordar momentos llenos de risa y ternura.
As this adorable kid touches his toes, looks through his legs, and splashes in a bubble bath, the gentle rhymes announce how much he is loved by the narrator of the story.
He is loved when he is mad, when he is sad, and when he is silly. The cleanly outlined illustrations show him in many different recognizable moods. Enthusiastically clutching a teddy bear, he races across the page. Bellowing with grumpiness, he opens his mouth in an exhausted howl. But no matter how he is feeling or what he is doing, he will always, always be loved.
Meant to be shared, this sweet rhyme is sure to evoke giggles of recognition and special snuggly hugs.
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Product Details

    • Grades: Babies & Toddlers - PreK
    • Ages: 0 - 4
  • Product Type: Book
  • Page Count: 24 pages
  • Dimensions: 6 3/4" x 8"
  • Language: Bilingual Spanish
  • ISBN 13: 978-0-545-58416-6